Yahrzeits for the Week of March 28 to April 3

The week below is displayed as beginning on Friday and ending on Thursday. This is because Shabbat services make a good time to say Kaddish for people's yahrzeits over the week. By updating the list of names and yahrzeits on Friday, users are able to get a list of yahrzeits for the coming week before Shabbat begins at sunset. Use the links below to go to a specific day on the page, or simply scroll down to see the whole week.

Change which week is shown below:

28 Adar - March 28 | 29 Adar - March 29 | 1 Nisan - March 30 | 2 Nisan - March 31 | 3 Nisan - April 1 | 4 Nisan - April 2 | 5 Nisan - April 3

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